Constructed Names

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"Hammered Goat"

Goat = kozyel (male)

Drunken = p'yanyj, напившийся, захмелевший

Hammer = molot; To hammer = bit', udaryat'; hammered/forged = kovanyj, to forge = kovat', vykovyvat', chekanit'; smith = кузница, adj. kuznechnyj; beaten/broken down = razbityj

Smashed = прил.разг. вдрызг пьяный, вдребезги пьяный — blind / dead / stiff drunk


Lochko or Loko Стенокрушитель

Loko-like names in NordisktRunnamnlexicon -

  • Lokki (?) (masculine name). O.Dan. Lokki, O.Swed. by-name Lokke Derived from OW.Norse lokkr m. "curl, lock of hair". Nominative: lki U10$(?), [luki] Ög71† / (see Ill(h)ugi). Refs: Sahlgren 1914, Salberger 1978 p. 107 f.
  • LokkR (?) (masculine name). O.Dan. Lok (found as a by-name), O.Swed. by-name Lokk, OW.Norse by-name Lokkr. From OW.Norse lokkr m. "curl, lock of hair". Nominative: lok U350. Refs: Salberger 1978 p. 98 ff.

Lok and Lokki found in Danmarks gamle personnavne -

"Breaking" names in Geir Bassi - akraspillir (destroyer of fields), assabana (eagle-bane), austmannaskelfir (terror of the east-men), bjalki (beam, rafter), brestingr (burster, noise-maker), bortamathr (breaker, damage-causer), boggvir (damager), volkamathr (partitioner, divider), garthabrjotr (de-fence-breaker), haugabrjotr (cairn-breaker, grave robber), Hlothu- (Storehouse-, Barn-), thursaspregir (giant-destroyer).

ÞællinæfR / Þælli-NæfR or ÞilinæfR / Þili-NæfR (masculine name). Compounded from OW.Norse þelli n. "fir-tree, pine" or OW.Norse þili n. "board wall, plank wall" and ® -næfR or the masculine name®NæfR with a prefixed by-name. Nominative: þilinifr U325. Refs: UR 2 p. 289.

"W" indicates that the word (or a derivative) appears as a name in Wickenden

Loko-like names in Wickenden - Loiko, Lokat, Lokh/Lokhov, Lokhno, Lokot', Lekha (pron. Liokha), Lukom, Lukhor, Luka

To break - (split, fracture, put out of working order) lomat'; (smash, shatter, wreck) razbivat'; (smash down, as a door) vylamyvat'; (break in, enter by force) vlamyvat'sya; (break out, escape) vyrvat'sya...

Breaker - drobil'schik (crusher), narushitel' (peacebreaker, lawbreaker, trespasser), otbojschik (rel. to break, cut, pick hammer), burun (breaker wave), drobilka (crusher machine), vyklyuchatel' (switch, ie. electrical breaker), prerybatel' (interrupter, breaker, cut out), myalo (related to brake for linen/hemp), trepalka (scutcher), ledorez (ice-cutter), byk (bridge pier)

[Wickenden names Lom 1594, Lomach/var 1588, Lomak 1545, Lomaka 1499, Loman 1553, Lomonosoi (nose-breaker) 1273, Lomonoi (broken) 1614, Lomota 1592, Rassokhin (crack, split) 1417, Raz 1136, Razbivoi "scattered" 12th cent, Razvod (broken apart) 1127, Vyrva 17th cent.]

Wall - stena (razrushat' ili snocit' stenu) [Wickenden names - Steneg, Stenia; Stenka and Stenko variants on Stan].

{Tumanova - Golostenov (empty wall), }

Other terms? thief (vor, W Vor 1181 but defined as "slay", Voropai = robber 1594), burgler (vzlomshchik, W Vzlomen 14th c.), burglarize (vzlamyvat'), bully (zadira, W Zadora = temper 1558; zabiyaka), brawler (drachun, W Drach 1539; zadira, zabiyaka),

wrecking ball (), wrecker (one who wrecks - razrushitel'), to wreak havoc (razoryat', opustoshat'), to hit (udaryat'), to inflict (nanocit'), avenger (mstitel', W Msti...), to destroy (unichtozhat'), to demolish/tear down (snosit'), to demolish/destroy (razrushat')

house (dom, W Domabor = home + overcome 1107, Domagnev = home + anger 1173), fence (zabor W Zabor 16th cent., ograda), log (brevno, W Polen 1501), roof (krysha W Krysh 1645), ceiling (potolok), floor (pol),

Sreznevsky - Stena (b-type e), razrushit'/razdrushiti - razrush'nik"/razdrush'nik" - razdrushitel" p36, rushit

Wickenden's article on Occupational Names includes: Dice Player, Drunkard, Rogue. Kramola/Kramolnik means rebel.

Tumanova has lots of undated [:-(] occupational surnames derived from -nik names. Also Kashevarov (porridge + to cook), Konovalov (horse + to throw, horse doctor), Loshkomoev (spoon + to wash, scullion), Mukoseev (meal + to sift, bakers assistant), Pivovarov (beer + to brew), Rudomyotov (blood + to cut, bloodletter), Rybolovlev (fish + to catch), Shapovalov (hat + to full), Sherstobitov (wool + to beat, fuller), Sudoplatov (vessel + to mend, tinker), Vodolazov (water + to go into, diver), Vodovozov/Vodonosov (water + to carry)

Tumanov has undated descriptive bynames like:

Bryzgalov (splasher) - Bryzgal 1497 in W, Budaragin (one who disturbs), Bushaev (one who rages) - Bushui 1608 in W, Cheborachin (one who throws noisily) - Chebor 1627, Chekrygin (one who cuts into small pieces), Cheshichin/Cheshigin (scratcher) - Cheshikha 1447 in W, Chlopushin (one who flaps, bangs), Deryagin (one who tears), - Deriagin 1594 in W, Gryzlov/Gryzulin (one who gnaws) - Gryzloi 1587 in W, Kachalin/Kachalov (swinger) - Kachalo 1478, Kapakin/Kapurin/Kapygin (snatcher), Karpkin (one who scratches), Kataev (one who rolls) - Katai 1571, Kolotilov (one who strikes) - Kolotil var. 1341 in W, Kolotygin (one who beats), Kopalov (digger), Kostoglodov (bone-gnawer), Kozodavlev (to crush) - Kozodav 1495 in W, Kozorezov (to slaughter), Lazunin (one who gets into) - Lazun 152, Lomaev (one who breaks) - Lom var. 1558 in W, Lovyagin (catcher) - Loviaga 1576 in W, Lupilov (one who beats), Lupinin (one who peels), Maraev (one who soils) - Mar (destruction) 1115 in W, Mazalov (one who smears) - Mazalo 1545 in W, Nedoboev (to beat), Nedorezov (to cut) - Nedorez 1591 in W, Nedorubaev (to hew, to cut), Nedosekin (to cut) - Nedoseka 1632 in W, Nedozhogin (to burn), Odoleev (one who overcomes) - Odol 1088 in W, Palichin/Palilov (one who burns) - Palilov 1594 in W, Pepelyaev (one who burns to ashes) - Pepel 1479 in W, Perekusichin (one who bites through) - Perekusikhin 1594 in W, Pinaev (one who kicks) - Pina 970 and Pinai 1598 in W, Plishcheev (one who splashes), Pokusaev (one who bites), Popelyaev (one who burns to ashes), Popuchalin (one who pushes), Poshibalov (one who beats) - Poshibaev 1610 in W, Povalishin (to overthrow) - Povalishin 1594 in W, Pugachenkov (one who frightens) - Puga 1551/Pugach 1565 in W, Ratuev (one who fights for) - Ratai 1565 in W, Razdelishin (to divide), Razderishin (to tear up), Razvalichin (to pull down), Razyarishin (to infuriate), Rezunov (cutter) - Rezui 1608 in W, Rezyukov (cutting), Rubakin (one who cuts or slashes) - Ruba c 1400 in W, Sekavin/Sekunov (cutter) - Sekun 1590 in W, Senotrusov (hay-scatterer), Shchelkalov (one who cracks) - Shchelkalov 1566 in W, Shchipalov/Shchipunov (pincher/one who pinches) - Shchipunov 1498 in W, Shibaev (one who kicks) - Shiba 1614 in W, Shibalov (one who beats) - Shibai 1525 in W, Smaznuchin (one who smears), Terebenin (one who pulls about) - Tereb 1545 in W?, Tochilin (tapster, grinder) - Tochilnik c1495, Tolkunov (one who pushes) - Tolkun 1601 in W, Tolkushkin (pushing), Toptygin (trampler) - Toptyk 1595 in W?, Trepalin (scutcher), Tyagunov (one who pulls), Tyanigin (one who pulls), Udavichin (one who strangles, kills), Urybaev (snatcher), Vertoprachov (raise dust), Vertyulin (one who turns), Volkopyalov (wolf-stretcher) - Volkopial 1600 in W, Vorishchev (criminal), Voropaev/Vorpanov (robber) - Voropai 1594 in W, Voroshilov (haymaker) - Voroshilo 1500 in W, Vorotnev (one who turns) - Vorotnev 1586 in W, Zagibalov (one who bends) - Zagivalov 1636 in W, Zagrebaev (one who rakes up, gathers in) - Zagreba 16th cent. in W, Zakalichin (one who tempers) - Zakalikhin 1579 in W, Zalivachin (one who pours) - Zalivaka 1503 in W?, Zamotaev (one who rolls up) , Zarubaev (one who kills) - Zaruba "scar" 1521 in W, Zateev (instigator), Zavalichin/Zavalishin (to heap up) - Zavalikha 1610 in W?, Zavertyaev (one who turns), Zavoruev (thief) - Zavorui 1646 in W.

Other Wickenden names: Kolotil (one who hits) c1495, Zvoryka (hot temper), Mogut (power), Poshibaev (one who beats) 1610, Povalishin (to overthrow) 1594, Pushka (cannon), Ruba (cut), Shibai (beat), Molot (hammer), Kulak (fist)Kuvalda (sledgehammer), Bulava (mace),

iron fist — железная хватка

mailed fist — бронированный кулак, военная сила, мощь