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Revision as of 17:37, 3 March 2019

To Do:

Can we get our lab machines to talk to AC?

Play with Computer Order Entry - save needing separate data base for keeping track of orders?

Staff cont. to help with updating Health Maintenance items - day before appointment...

Work on pt. ed materials, print more patient information sheets - need good source of info.

Survey for Patient Computer Use and Interest in Electronic Access, pre-registration, computerized history-taking, e-mailing automatic patient reminders

CPOE - Computer Provider Order Entry - new work flow, use UpDocs for electronic faxes?

Chronic disease registries - in next version of AC? or use this -


Streamline Summary List for patients - or at least figure out how to delegate the work to someone else. Print rough version then have Stacy/Andy pretty it up?

Intranet for smoking cessation/chest pain/headache/abdominal pain/chronic pain algorithms/cheat sheets.

Templates for above in AC

Webpage Updates:

Wellness Tools - Diabetic Data sheet, label-reading guide, smoking readiness, 100 calorie list, Diet Keys, grocery store guide

Quitline Iowa Website - very nice -

Also QuitNet -

American Lung Association -

Move URL to wellness area and replace with

And Quick Guide to Healthy Living -

Delete the Great American Health Challenge - broken

Update the food pyramid/choose my plate URL

AHA My Life Check Assessment -

7 simple steps...

Update UoI link -

Virtual Hospital link good, but explain better

American Diabetes Association FoodAdvisor on-line source of recipes, tips and food diary -

ADA Ideas for Exercise -

Carb Counting -

Create your Plate -

ADA What can I eat? -

ADA Carbohydrates -

ADA Superfoods -

ADA Sugar and Deserts -

ADA Fats -

ADA Whole Grains and Starchy Veggies (starch substitutes) -

ADA Drinks -

Fruits and Veggies More Matters -

Everyday Choices from American Heart Assoc. et al -

Tip Sheet on Healthy Living -

Tools -

Amazing Charts

Instant Pt. Hx: ? + $50/m [Thinking about]

Patient-Centered Medical Home and Meaningful Use Issues

Patient-Centered Medical Home -

CMS Meaningful Use -

Office of the Nat'l Coord. for HIT - (not very useful)

IFMC HIT-REC - (only slightly more useful)

Medication Vending Machine:

Vending Machine Medicine article -

InstyMeds - web-based Rx writing, drug handout, phone to talk to pharmacist on the unit, currently holds 100 drugs in almost any form, Minnesota-based, used by Mercy in Council Bluffs and also Pella and Greenwood -

QuikMeds - security code-accessed touch screen for Rx, automatic drug handouts, holds 700 "units-of-use", meant to provide a profit, mostly generics - 30-40 available?, Pennsylvania-based -


Allscripts - Chicago-based, ?

Purkinje - St. Louis-based, ?

Asteres -

Telepharmacy Solutions - -

ScriptPro Telepharmacy - -

More Telepharmacy:

There is a wide variety of companies that offer medication dispensing without the use of a vending machine, including market stalwarts Essence Corp., VantageRx, Physicians Total Care and Allscripts Healthcare Solutions. ICS asked Andrew Shea, director of marketing and communication at Essence Corp. to discuss dispensing, including the Essence DRx program, and its role in urgent care facilities.,p4.html